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11.11.11 at Gretna

Armistice Day weddings at the old Blacksmiths Shop at Gretna Green - Sheffield couple Ian and Pauline Burkinshaw timed their wedding to include the poignancy of the two minute silence in company with Civil Celebrant / Registrar John Young (centre right) - wedding room attendant Jimmy Henderson (right) - and witnesses Lisa Kerr (from the wedding Bureau) and Lauren Frainey (from Smith's Hotel) - at the Anvil in the wedding room - picture by Donald MacLeod – 11.11.11 – clanmacleod@btinternet.com 07702 319 738 donald-macleod.com
Armistice Day weddings at the old Blacksmiths Shop at Gretna Green - Sheffield couple Ian and Pauline Burkinshaw timed their wedding to include the poignancy of the two minute silence in company with Civil Celebrant / Registrar John Young (centre right) - wedding room attendant Jimmy Henderson (right) - and witnesses Lisa Kerr (from the wedding Bureau) and Lauren Frainey (from Smith's Hotel) - at the Anvil in the wedding room - picture by Donald MacLeod – 11.11.11 –...
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Filename: DM2eleven.jpg
From gallery: 11.11.11 at Gretna
Source: Donald MacLeod
Date: 11 Nov 2011
Model Release: No
Property Release: No
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