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Lifeguard - by NTS and the Arches at Govanhill Baths

Ira Mandela Soibhan (in black trunks) and Adrian Howells in Lifeguard - by the National Theatre of Scotland and the Arches in association with Govanhill Baths Trust - in the training pool at Govanhill Baths - - picture by Donald MacLeod - 05.10.12 - 07702 319 738 - clanmacleod@btinternet.com - www.donald-macleod.com
Ira Mandela Soibhan (in black trunks) and Adrian Howells in Lifeguard - by the National Theatre of Scotland and the Arches in association with Govanhill Baths Trust - in the training pool at Govanhill Baths - - picture by Donald MacLeod - 05.10.12 - 07702 319 738 - clanmacleod@btinternet.com - www.donald-macleod.com

Filename: DM2lifeguard.jpg
From gallery: Lifeguard - by NTS and the Arches at Govanhill Baths
Source: Donald MacLeod
Date: 5 Oct 2012
Model Release: No
Property Release: No
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