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Scottish Cup Final 2010

Cricket - Scottish Cup Final, Stirling County V Uddingston CC at Hamilton Crescent, Glasgow - Uddy Pro Ras Prayadarshana signals his delight at the capture of the second of his four wickets - Picture by Donald MacLeod 4.9.10 - words if required from David Kelso 07774 720 047
Cricket - Scottish Cup Final, Stirling County V Uddingston CC at Hamilton Crescent, Glasgow - Uddy Pro Ras Prayadarshana signals his delight at the capture of the second of his four wickets - Picture by Donald MacLeod 4.9.10 - words if required from David Kelso 07774 720 047

Filename: DM1cupfinal.jpg
From gallery: Scottish Cup Final 2010
Date: 4 Sep 2010
Model Release: No
Property Release: No
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