This image is FREE to use - Housing Minister Keith Brown unveiled a new housing strategy for older Scots in Glasgow today (20.12.11) while on a visit to meet Queens Cross Housing Association tenant Kathleen Docherty in her new home at 105 Hopehill Road - the Older Peoples Housing Strategy blueprint (launched in conjunction with COSLA) looks 10 years into the future in preparation for the expected increase in people aged over 60 in the next few years. The number of people in this category in Scotland is projected to increase to over 1.7million by 2035 (a 46% increase since 2010)  for further information please contact Iain V Monk  Senior Communications Officer  Scottish Government on 0131 244 2056 or 07771 555 601 or at - Picture by Donald MacLeod  19.12.11 -
This image is FREE to use - Housing Minister Keith Brown unveiled a new housing strategy for older Scots in Glasgow today (20.12.11) while on a visit to meet Queens Cross Housing Association tenant Kathleen Docherty in her new home at 105 Hopehill Road - the Older Peoples Housing Strategy blueprint (launched in conjunction with COSLA) looks 10 years into the future in preparation for the expected increase in people aged over 60 in the next few years. The number of people in this category in Scotland is projected to increase to over 1.7million by 2035 (a 46% increase since 2010)  for further information please contact Iain V Monk  Senior Communications Officer  Scottish Government on 0131 244 2056 or 07771 555 601 or at - Picture by Donald MacLeod  19.12.11 -

Filename: DM1hopehill.jpg
Source: Donald MacLeod
Date: 20 Dec 2011
Model Release: No
Property Release: No
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